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To say Windows 8 is a knockout crowd-pleaser would be a downright — od dastardly — lie. Fortunately, the recently released Windows 8. Sure, Windows 8. No purchase necessary. Step 1: Check the system requirements — Upgrading to Windows 8. Check out our guide on how to backup your computer and our top picks for the best free backup software before continuing.

Step 3: Connect and install 81. updates — Make sure your PC is plugged into a power supply, connected to the Internet and equipped with the latest updates prior to installing Windows 8. Doing so will help insure the update installs properly. Although Windows увидеть больше are automatically downloaded and installed by default, you can always check for any necessary updates via Windows Update. Step 3: Install Windows 8. Once located, click or tap the purple Download in the free download windows 8.1 os free corner.

Windows 8. The installer will inform you if any further updates or actions are free download windows 8.1 os free before you can complete the update process, and if interrupted, click or нажмите чтобы узнать больше the download button again to resume from where you left off. Step 4: Doenload and set up — Restart your computer when prompted following the initial installation — free download windows 8.1 os free process that can take up to a few hours depending your system — or allow Windows to start automatically after 15 minutes.

Once your computer restarts, accept the Microsoft software license terms and continue with the on-screen setup wizard. Although your desktop apps will appear once Windows 8. To do so, navigate to the Start screen, click or tap the Windows Store tile access the Your apps section of ftee Store, and select all the apps you want to install before tapping or clicking Install. Like the Windows downlpad. What do you think of our quick guide on how to download and install Frse 8.

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